I write professionally on library technology.
Here I write on topics such as libraries, reading, hiking, MINIs, craft beer, cars, and current events.
Professional Writing
Most of my professional writing output appears on my Library Technology Launchpad website. There I write about library technology news, ebooks, mobile apps and websites, online resources, social media, UX, and other related topics.
I co-wrote a chapter for a book titled Creating Research Infrastructures in the 21st-Century Academic Library: Conceiving, Funding, and Building New Facilities and Staff. The chapter is titled “The Library as Publishing House”. The book is available from Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.
I am currently working on a library technology book to be released as an open educational resource (OER). It should be finished in 2020.
Personal Writing
One personal interest I have is cars, specifically Minis and MINIs. I founded the website Library of Motoring initially as a site to catalog MINI advertisements, brochures, books, and magazines for fellow collectors. Now it contains MINI updates such as facts and figures, events, interesting MINI stories, book reviews, and a bit of news.
The Daily Toggle is an online Mini and MINI magazine which I co-founded, edited, and wrote for from 2014 to 2016. We posted daily on news, buzz, and entertainment for the Mini and MINI enthusiast community.