On June 12, 2015 I gave a short presentation titled Code Every Librarian Should Know at the NEFLIN Library Technology Conference 2015. For the Florida Library Association Conference 2016 I decided to submit a proposal for a longer version of that talk and possibly another on library intranet best practices. Then last Fall I was contacted by Cheryl Wolfe, Web Services Administrator, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library about collaborating with her on a presentation. I told her about my two ideas and she liked the one teaching code. She renamed the presentation to a friendlier-sounding Code For Every Librarian and our proposal was accepted!
During our Code For Every Librarian session (on March 2, 2016 from 2:15 pm to 3:15 pm) Cheryl and I taught some very basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code using examples from library catalogs and websites, blogs, Summon, and Springshare services. The session was well-attended with several people standing in the room and doorway of the admittedly-small meeting room.
Below are links to our presentation materials.
Code For Every Librarian PowerPoint – http://goo.gl/UDKgtn
Code For Every Librarian Helpful Resources – http://goo.gl/XjpsQV
If you want to learn some basic HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, I recommend these two websites with self-paced training:
Codecademy – HTML and CSS – www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/htmlcss
W3Schools – HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – www.w3schools.com