Ellie Day (2012-2018)

Sadly, my cat Laser Eyes “Ellie” Day died on New Years Eve. Literally minutes before midnight on December 31, 2018, the veterinarian at the animal hospital where Ellie had spent the last night called to say that her severe pneumonia and dehydration had worsened to the point where she was suffering and would not live through the night. I gave my permission to euthanize her. It was an awful end to her life and an awful way to end the year. She was a few months shy of her seventh birthday.

Ellie was a rescue cat, so I didn’t know her exact birthday. The papers that came with her estimated that she was born in March 2012. That meant she was about fourteen months old when I got her on May 5, 2013.

I didn’t intend to get a cat. But that changed when I was contacted by my ex-girlfriend to ask if I would adopt a cat. A mutual friend of ours was visiting her and impulsively agreed to adopt Ellie from a pet rescue inside the pet store they had visited that day. She was due to pick up the cat the following day but in the meantime came to the realization that she could not take yet another pet home. They needed someone else to take the cat, thus the sudden call to me. After some resistance, I agreed to take the cat if they would supply a few basic necessities, which they did. Ellie arrived the next day, Sunday, May 5.

Continue reading Ellie Day (2012-2018)

Ellie’s Accident and Her “Broken Jaw”

April 9, 2016, started out like any typical Saturday; I slept in, made a cup of coffee, and worked on some of my websites.  The weather was perfect, so I opened a window in my livingroom where I had previous removed the screen.  My cat Ellie likes to sit by this window and occasionally ventures out onto the roof of the one-storey part of the building outside. It’s almost like a terrace except we’re not meant to walk around out there.

Roof Adjacent to Loft

After working for an hour or so, I realized I hadn’t seen Ellie in some time.  I walked through my loft calling to Ellie, then climbed onto the adjacent roof and looked around the corner, still calling her name.  No reply.  Now worried, I went downstairs and walked around the building to see if she was on a ledge accessible from that roof.  I didn’t see her so I expanded my search around the block.  I went up to the fourth floor rooftop patio to get another view.  Finally, I climbed onto the adjacent roof and looked over the edge between the buildings and spotted her on the ground.  Relieved, I went downstairs to coax her out. Continue reading Ellie’s Accident and Her “Broken Jaw”